Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5. Our team this year includes Mrs Keys, Mrs Hill-Cornwell, Ms Drummond, Mrs Farooq, Miss Hussain and Mrs Nawaz. 

Our topic this term is 'The Vikings'.


Homework is set daily on Google Classroom.

  • MathShed activities are assigned every day.
  • TT Rock Stars is for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in addition to MathShed.
  • the Spelling task, is assigned weekly.
  • Reading is daily. Please listen to your child read for a minimum of 10 minutes every night, discuss their book and sign their journal. 



This term we are reading 'The Ghost of Thomas Kempe' by Penelope Lively and developing our comprehension skills. We do this by practising how to summarise the main ideas, making predictions, retrieving information, considering questions we have about the story, and exploring the meaning of words in context.

In addition to the book children bring home, which is linked to their reading scheme level, they also choose a book to read for pleasure. Please encourage them to read aloud to you daily and to discuss the plot and characters or the facts they have learnt from non-fiction books. Reading is the best way for children to develop their vocabulary and their imagination and forms the foundation for success in all the other subjects!



We are continuing to implement our 'Talk for Writing' scheme to our new text called 'Adventure at Sandy Cove'. We have rehearsed it orally, used symbols and actions to help us remember the language patterns and will apply these when we write our own story, which will be a finding tale with a focus on creating suspense.

This term, our spelling lessons and spelling homework will be on words with the suffixes -tious and -cious, -cial and -tial, -ent and -ant. In handwriting, we are continuing to develop joined writing at speed, looking at consistent size of lower case letters and consistent orientation of ascenders and descenders. Punctuation in Year 5 includes some exciting features to support more sophisticated sentence structures and includes features such as brackets, dashes, commas for a variety of purposes, colons and semi-colons.

Ways to support your child with English 
Please find below a list of websites which will help your child succeed in reading and writing: 
Read together daily! Talk about words and characters and settings and what you might you do in similar situations. Take turns to read to keep your child motivated. (please use your child's google classroom log in details)


In Maths, this half term we will look at square and cube numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 and measuring and calculating the area and perimeter of shapes before moving onto our fraction unit. 

Please continue to help your children with their homework on MathShed to consolidate what we are learning in class and to practise their multiplication tables to 12 x 12 on Times Table Rockstars.

Ways to support your child with Maths 
Please find below a list of websites which will help your child succeed in maths: 
White Rose Maths has excellent videos designed for home learning if a child needs to revisit maths concepts at home:
They also have a good series of videos for parents explaining how maths in taught in classrooms using a mastery approach:
We are continuing with our topic of properties and changes of materials by looking at reversible and irreversible changes. We will learn how to set up investigations, record results and draw conclusions from our experiments. 
Some useful websites on the topic are:


PE is on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and appropriate PE kit (plain tops, dark jogging bottoms, suitable trainers) which is clearly labelled, is very much appreciated! Hair should be tied back and earrings removed or taped. This term's topics are dance and tag-rugby.


In computing, we will build on previous learning from Year 3 and 4 by looking at coding. Using Scratch, we will look at recognising and making variables, leading up to designing our own Maths quiz game on times tables.


We begin our Vikings history topic by researching where the Vikings came from and the reasons why they invaded and settled in tEngland. We will look at what life was like after they invaded, their belief system and significant individuals from the period. We will also look at the impact the Vikings had on the social and cultural changes of the country.
We start our design and technology unit by looking at seasonal vegetables and building towards making our own vegetable soup.
Our PSHE learning focuses on the importance of families, friends and respect.
Our music topic is 'The Blues'. We will look at the history of the blues and learn how to play the relevant chords using glockenspiels, leading up to improvising a scale.
Learning for Life
This term's focus in LfL is memory and communication. We will look at how to recite poetry aloud, perform through drama and improve our speaking and listening skills.
Children are taught how to become successful independent learners by changing their mindset and becoming more resilient. This term we are looking at how to set our own goals and overcome possible problems.
Year 5 Enriching Experiences 
Our experience day this term will be Viking-themed!

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