Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3. In the Year 3 team, we have Miss Sutcilffe (Phase leader), Miss Price, Mrs Bland, Miss McDonnell, Mrs Parveen, Mr Qasim, Mrs Akhtar and Mrs Zia . 

Please find below a copy of the Year 3 Welcome Meeting PowerPoint. 




In English this half term we will be writing a warning story focusing on setting. We will be using the text 'I'll take you to Mrs Cole' to explore writing with the purpose to entertain.  Please continue to support your child in spelling all Key Stage 1 words and the Year 3 and 4 common exception words.



In our Master Readers lessons we will reading and discussing the story 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl.


This half we will be learning about time including reading times to the minute and working out time durations.  We are also leaning about angles as well as developing our knowledge of the properties of shape.



At home, please help your children with their daily homework and practise the times tables regularly. By the end of Year 3 the children are expected to know the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. They should also be able to find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number.


All children are expected to complete their homework every day. This includes their Maths challenge and reading every day. Homework for Maths is now set Monday to Wednesday on TTRS (Times table rockstars).  Thursday and Friday Maths homework is set on Maths shed and we expect every child to complete it and turn it in. Once all homework is completed, home journals need to be signed by an adult. We really do appreciate the support of parents and carers in ensuring that homework is completed on time and to a high standard. Login details for Google Classroom and Maths shed can be found in the back of your child's home journal. 


Should you wish to contact your child’s class teacher, please email the office and the message will be forwarded. If you have any problems with your child getting on to Google Classroom or Maths shed to complete homework then please contact the school office to arrange to discuss this with the child’s class teacher or write in your child's journal so your child's teacher is made aware. 


Year Three have PE on Monday and Wednesday.

The children will be doing OAA (Outdoor and Adventurous Activities) on Monday and Handball on Wednesday. 


Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school from Monday to Friday. They will need a pair of trainers for Games on Wednesdays as these lessons will be outside. 


This term our topic is Plants. The children will be learning about function of different parts of a plant.  As well as learning about what plants need to thrive.






In Geography we are learning about UK 'Volcanoes and Earthquakes'.  The children will have the opportunity use maps to discover where in the world volcanoes are located. They will learn about how volcanoes are formed as well as learn about the cause and effect of an earthquake.


In Art we are learning about about the artist David Hockney and his work as part our unit on 'Landscapes'. 




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